"The purpose of Living is to live forever"- Google's AI Bot A week ago, I was surfing the internet and while I was doing so I happen to search my name in google. There were some Facebook profiles, some Twitter and LinkedIn profiles and I went up to third page then only my facebook & twitter profile appeared. Then I realized that I should have something that makes me exist over the internet. After that, I thought of blogging ( I had many friends who were doing good at it). Then I started thinking of making a blog and within an hour I made it. At first, I thought of making a blog about Every Top 10; and as my first blog, I wrote -"Hello friends! This is my first blog." Being excited I opened my blog (site) in my next browser and realized that it seemed like my first tweet or facebook status. So I deleted it within a minute. Then I realized that 2016 is going to end soon and people will search out for top 10 apps. So I ...